TMV’s are valves that use a temperature sensitive element and blend hot and cold water to produce water that safeguards against scalding. This is producing water between 38°C and 46°C.
These temperatures however provide an environment in which legionella can multiply, thus increasing the risk of exposure. Due to this conflict, if the risk of scalding is insignificant then a TMV is not required. However in places where the risk of scalding is prospective, for example with the very young, elderly, infirm or mentally or physically disabled, a TMV is required.
Thermostatic Mixing Valves to eliminate the risk of scalding in Care Homes
Within healthcare and care homes there is a high risk of scalding where the water temperature is above 44°C. Due to the elderly being recognised as vulnerable individuals, who may not be able to recognise high temperatures, testing outlet temperatures is a necessary monitoring requirement.
A Risk Assessment will help to determine the risk and advise if a TMV is required. However, due to the ambient temperatures that a TMV generates, annual, or otherwise specified, inspection, cleaning, descaling and disinfecting is required. It is important to assess the requirement for a TMV against the risk of Legionella.